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 07432 627766

 07432 627766

Plant Talks & Demonstrations

In addition to hosting horticultural talks from visiting organisations and well known plants people at Swines Meadow (see Events), Colin and Karan also go out and do talks and demonstrations to gardening groups, societies and organisations.

If you are thinking of arranging an entertaining evening or afternoon for your local club or group don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our fee is £120 (Increasing to £130 for 2026) for a talk/lecture plus travelling expenses (price of diesel at time of travel). Our talks have a duration of up to an hour and a half, but if you require more this can be arranged for an additional fee. We travel a 50 mile radius for evening talks, and daytime talks are open to negotiation. Please note these can also be done as Zoom talks.

We will bring plants along for demonstration and sale. Most talks are with a hands-on approach and you will get to see and touch the real plants. Obviously during Winter months some of these talks will be digital.

Rare Plant Talks & Lectures set up


Talks denoted:   D = Digital presentation   HO = Hands on live material usually March to November

Hardy Exotics and creating microclimates.

A talk about various hardy exotic plants incorporating plants suitable for a wide variety of situations in the garden. Also, how to achieve the growing environment for some of these plants.


Woodland gems

This is one for plantaholics with a wide range of plants covered in this subject.


Colin's Choice

Another one for the plantaholics covering some of the plants we grow and propagate. Basically, a plantsman’s choice with some rarities covered in this one.


Madeira a January Visit

Slide presentation of a visit we had to Madeira in January 2009 covering plants and gardens in Madeira.


Hostas little and large

A talk on origins types and versatility of this large group of ornamental plants. Also how to deal with slugs and snails!


Springing forward at Swines Meadow

A new talk with plants in the garden here late Winter emerging into Spring.

A nurseryman's wanderings in New Zealand

A talk covering some of our experiences on a recent trip to this amazing country covering plants, geology, and wildlife we came across. A taster for other talks we are planning about this amazing country.


New Zealand Gardens and plants

A talk on some of the gardens we visited and some of the unique plants of this country.


The Lonely tree and friends

A talk on some of the many interesting trees we came across in NZ including the Kauri tree and its history.


Singapore the green city

A talk covering our brief stopover in this city. Gardens on the Bay, Botanic Gardens and general greening of this modern Asian city.


Plants, places, memories and wildlife

A talk with snippets of plants and places we have been covering plants and wildlife we have encountered as well as plants that have special memories for us.

Foliage first flowers a bonus

A talk on some of our favourite foliage plants with the occasional flower.


We can do other talks, get in touch with us to find out if we can cover a subject that interests your club. We can also provide quizzes or garden question time.

If you are thinking of arranging an entertaining evening or afternoon for your local club or group get in touch to find out more and discuss your event. You can send us an email at [email protected] or ring us on 07432 627766 .