About Swines Meadow
Colin and Karan founded Swines Meadow Farm Nursery in 2000, in what was the former farm yard in Market Deeping, Lincolnshire. Everything started with selling a few plants we’d propagated as a way of sharing our passion for gardens and gardening. We still propagate and grow on a lot of plants ourselves, and all of our homegrown stock is grown in peat free compost.
We’ve exhibited at several shows, including Harrogate Spring Show where we gained a Silver medal. We’ve also been awarded several Gold medals from county shows and the Sandringham Flower Show. These days, we concentrate more on plant fairs instead of big shows as we find that’s where we meet the really keen gardeners and plantspeople, plus we love to see what plant rarities we can find too! We travel all around the country to attend specialist plant fairs.

Who We Are

Colin Ward
I spent much of my childhood in Hong Kong, which was instrumental in forming an interest in nature and unusual plants that’s been with me ever since. I’ve been planting up the garden alongside the nursery with a wide range of unusual and exciting plants in order to encourage a good diversity of birdlife and wildlife. Our garden contains many specimens of the plants that we sell, including quite a few rarities that we are hoping to propagate once they are big enough or produce seed. From being a garden full of Hydrangea macrophylla, white roses and privet when we moved here in 2000, it’s now a haven of plant goodies from all over the world.

Karan Ward
I was brought up on the farm and as a result, developed a strong interest in the both natural world and gardening. I do lots with the plants, but also sort the bookwork and admin and bake cakes for sale in the self-serve tea room!

Marcus Gray
Senior Propagator
My interest in plants has continued to grow and grow, ever since I came to work with Colin and Karan for a work experience placement from Brooksby Horticultural College in 2010. After college I worked for a while at a wholesale nursery, but was really pleased to join the team here permanently in 2015. I’m now responsible for most of the plant propagation at Swines Meadow, as well as keeping our plant lists up to date.

Nathan Bates
Nursery Technician
I joined in 2023 under the WRAG Scheme (Work and Retrain as a Gardener Scheme), after a career change from being a data analyst. When I started, it was just for a couple of days a week, but now I’m here 3-4 days a week and really enjoy propagating and learning about unusual plants.
Mail Order
Online shopping really took off during the Covid-19 pandemic, and we are pleased to offer a personal service to those looking for plants from us. You’ll find a list of the plants we sell at www.swinesmeadowfarmnursery.co.uk/shop and this is kept as up-to-date as time allows.
If you are looking for a plant that is not on the website we may possibly have it, so it’s always worthwhile getting in touch with us to see if we have it or can get it for you.

Talks and Demonstrations
You can send us an email at [email protected] or ring us on 07432 627766 to find out more and discuss your event. You will find further information and a list of talks & lectures on our Talks page.