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 07432 627766

 07432 627766

HPS Fenland Group Meeting 19th April 2025 2:30PM

HPS Fenland Group Meeting 19th April 2025 2:30PM


Meeting held here at Swines Meadow Farm Nursery in our events room with guest speaker Steve Edney talking about ‘The long border’.

Steve will be one of the nurseries attending our plant fair the day after on the 20th April (Easter Sunday).

Cost £5 per HPS members £7 Non Members



TICKETS: We will not normally send tickets out in the post. When your booking has been confirmed we will add your details to the event register and then confirm your attendance when you arrive.

PAYMENT: We will not take payment until we receive your order and check the event avaiability. We will then contact you to arrange card payment over the phone or send bank transfer details.